Project KISS technical documentation
The subpages of this page contain technical documentation relateing to various piceses of software created under the KISS-Project. You can find a link to the documentation for a specific sub-project below:
- libscipaper, software to aggregate and search scientific publications.
- eisgenerator, software to simulate eis equvialent models.
- librelaxisloader, software to simulate eis equvialent models.
- kissinference, a libary use the various kiss related ML models in client applications.
- kissinferencesharp, C# bindings for the above.
- libeismultiplexer, software and drivers to control the multiplexer pcbs,
- libcoincellhell, software and drivers to control the coincellhell temperature controlled cell holders,
- libdrt, a libary to calculate drts from eis spectra
©2024 Carl Philipp Klemm