eisgenerator 1.0.x

An example on how to use the eisgenerator torch execution model.

An example on how to use the eisgenerator torch execution model.

//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include <iostream>
#include <eisgenerator/model.h>
#include <eisgenerator/log.h>
#include <torch/torch.h>
template <typename V>
inline torch::TensorOptions tensorOptCpu(bool grad = true)
static_assert(std::is_same<V, float>::value || std::is_same<V, double>::value,
"This function can only be passed double or float types");
torch::TensorOptions options;
if constexpr(std::is_same<V, float>::value)
options = options.dtype(torch::kFloat32);
options = options.dtype(torch::kFloat64);
options = options.layout(torch::kStrided);
options = options.device(torch::kCPU);
options = options.requires_grad(grad);
return options;
torch::Tensor fvalueVectorToTensor(std::vector<fvalue>& vect)
return torch::from_blob(vect.data(), {static_cast<int64_t>(vect.size())}, tensorOptCpu<fvalue>());
std::shared_ptr<torch::CompilationUnit> compileModel(eis::Model &model)
std::string torchScript = model.getTorchScript();
std::shared_ptr<torch::CompilationUnit> compiledModule = torch::jit::compile(torchScript);
return compiledModule;
std::shared_ptr<torch::CompilationUnit> compileModel(std::string modelstr)
eis::Model model(modelstr);
return compileModel(model);
torch::Tensor runScriptModel(eis::Model& model, std::shared_ptr<torch::CompilationUnit> compiledScript,
torch::Tensor parameters, torch::Tensor omegas)
torch::Tensor result = compiledScript->run_method(model.getCompiledFunctionName(), parameters, omegas).toTensor();
assert(result.scalar_type() == torch::kComplexFloat || result.scalar_type() == torch::kComplexDouble);
assert(result.size(0) == omegas.numel());
assert(result.sizes().size() == 1 || result.size(1) == 1);
if(result.sizes().size() == 2)
result = result.reshape({result.numel()});
return result;
torch::Tensor runScriptModel(eis::Model& model, size_t step,
std::shared_ptr<torch::CompilationUnit> compiledScript,
torch::Tensor omegas, torch::Device device)
std::vector<fvalue> parameterVec = model.getFlatParameters();
torch::Tensor parameters = fvalueVectorToTensor(parameterVec).to(device);
return runScriptModel(model, compiledScript, parameters, omegas);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// Set the verbosity of libeisgenerator
std::string deviceString = torch::cuda::is_available() ? "cuda:0" : "cpu";
std::cout<<"Using "<<deviceString<<" as compute device\n";
torch::Device device(deviceString);
// Create a model object from a circuit string
eis::Model model("r{10~100}-r{10-1000}p{1e-5, 0.7}");
// Print the TorchScript code
// Compile the TorchScript
std::shared_ptr<torch::CompilationUnit> compiledModel = compileModel(model);
// Create a range of omega values
torch::Tensor omegas = torch::logspace(1, 4, 10, 10, torch::TensorOptions().device(device));
// Run the 100th step in the parameter sweep of this model
torch::Tensor spectra = runScriptModel(model, 0, compiledModel, omegas, device).cpu();
static Level level
Minimum Level required for output to be printed.
Definition log.h:56
Non fatal errors or problems affecting performance or numeric precision
Definition log.h:42
The main class of eisgenerator representing an equivalent circuit model.
Definition model.h:47
std::string getCompiledFunctionName() const
Gets the function name in the code for this model.
std::vector< fvalue > getFlatParameters()
Gets the values of the parameters of the circuit elements at the current parameter sweep step.
std::string getTorchScript()
Compiles this model into TorchScript.
void resolveSteps(int64_t index)
This member resolves the parameters of all circuit elements at the given parameter sweep step.