libscipaper 1.0.x
libscipaper manual

libscipaper is a shared library that allows you to get metadata to scientific papers from various database services. When queried libscipaper will ask each of its backends to the database services to try and fill in information about the requested paper in order of the priority given in scipaper.ini or in the order requested by the user of the User API libscipaper also allows you to get full text as well as PDF files for scientific papers where they are available.

libscipaper is a modular library with each database backend provided by a plugin. currently libscipaper has two finished backend plugins:

  • A plugin
  • A crossref plugin
  • A scihub plugin

For questions or comments, as well as help with the usage of the plugin API contact

This manual is divided in the following sections depending on if you want to use libscipaper in your application or write a plugin for it:

For build instructions see Build.