libscipaper 1.0.x

Build instructions

These build instructions assume that UNIX is being used as the host os, however building on MacOS or Microsoft Windows is possible given only minor alterations to the procedure below.


  • PkgConfig
    • Is required for the build system to find all the other dependancies.
  • GLib version 2.41 or better
  • GModule
  • CURL
  • git is required to get the source.
  • a C compiler like GCC is required.
  • optinonally:
    • libxml2 is required for the scihub backend
    • Doxygen is required to generate the documentation

Compileing and Installing

First we need to get the source, this can be perfomed by cloning or using git. Note that these two versions might not allways be totaly in sync.

$ git clone

Then we must build and install the libary, to do this we must in the libscipaper do the following

$ mkdir build; cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ sudo make install

You may want to change the default install prefix from /usr/local to something else, for this add -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX= with the path you desire to the cmake command.


With scipaper installed the header can be included with #include <scipaper/scipaper.h> and link with -lscipaper