libscipaper 1.0.x
Data Structures | Enumerations | Functions
User API

Api for use by libscipaper users. More...

Data Structures

struct  VersionFixed
 This struct contains the version of libscipaper in use. More...
struct  BackendInfo
 Backend information struct. More...
struct  FillReqest
 This bitfield tells libscipaper what fields you require to have filled. More...
struct  DocumentMeta
 This struct contains the metadata of a paper, must be created via document_meta_new() and freed via document_meta_free() More...
struct  RequestReturn
 This struct is details the result of a metadata search. More...
struct  PdfData
 This struct contains the raw data of a PDF document. More...


enum  loglevel_t {
  LL_NONE = 0 , LL_CRIT = 1 , LL_ERR = 2 , LL_WARN = 3 ,
 Severity of loglevels. More...
enum  capability_flags_t { SCI_CAP_FILL = 1 , SCI_CAP_GET_TEXT = (1<<1) , SCI_CAP_GET_PDF = (1<<2) }
 Flags that describe what a backend can do. More...


void sci_log_set_verbosity (loglevel_t verbosity)
 Sets the verbosity of sicpaper output.
RequestReturnsci_fill_meta (const DocumentMeta *meta, const FillReqest *fill, size_t maxCount, size_t page)
 Takes a DocumentMeta and tries to find maxCount documents that match the fields set in the meta struct.
DocumentMetasci_find_by_doi (const char *doi, int backendId)
 Tries to find the metadata of the document with the given DOI.
DocumentMetasci_find_by_title (const char *title)
 Tries to find the metadata of the document with the given title.
RequestReturnsci_find_by_author (const char *author, size_t maxCount)
 Tries to find the documents by a certain author.
RequestReturnsci_find_by_journal (const char *journal, size_t maxCount)
 Tries to find the documents by in a certain journal.
char * sci_get_document_text (const DocumentMeta *meta)
 Tries to get the full text of a certain document.
PdfDatasci_get_document_pdf_data (const DocumentMeta *meta)
 Tries to get the PDF data of a certain document.
bool sci_save_pdf_to_file (const PdfData *data, const char *fileName)
 Tries to get save the PDF of a certain document to disk.
bool sci_save_document_to_file (const DocumentMeta *meta, const char *fileName)
 Saves the PDF of a certain document to disk.
const BackendInfo ** sci_get_all_backends (void)
 gives you an array describing each backend registered with libscipaper.
const BackendInfosci_get_backend_info (int id)
 gives you a BackendInfo struct describing the backend with the id
int sci_backend_get_id_by_name (const char *name)
 gives you the id of the backend with a given name
const char * sci_get_backend_name (int id)
 gives you the name of the backend with id
size_t sci_get_backend_count (void)
 gives you the number of backends currently registered
bool sci_paper_init (const char *config_file, const char *data, size_t length)
 Inits libscipaper, this function must be your first call to libscipaper, besides sci_get_version() and sci_log_set_verbosity()
void sci_paper_exit (void)
 Exits libscipaper, this function must be your final call to libscipaper, it is an error to reinit libscipaper sci_paper_init() after executing sci_paper_exit()
const VersionFixedsci_get_version (void)
 get the version of scipaper in use
char * capability_flags_get_str (capability_flags_t capabilities)
 returns the capabilities flags as a human readable string.
DocumentMetadocument_meta_new (void)
 Mallocs a DocumentMeta struct and initializes it.
DocumentMetadocument_meta_copy (const DocumentMeta *meta)
 Dose a deep copy of a DocumentMeta struct.
void document_meta_free (DocumentMeta *meta)
 Frees a document meta struct.
void document_meta_combine (DocumentMeta *target, const DocumentMeta *source)
 Adds the fields set in source but not in target to target.
char * document_meta_get_string (const DocumentMeta *meta)
 Creates a human readable string describing a DocumentMeta.
char * document_meta_get_json (const DocumentMeta *meta, const char *fullText, size_t *length)
 Get string containing json data of the supplied DoucmentMeta.
DocumentMetadocument_meta_load_from_json (char *jsonFile)
 create a DocumentMeta from json data saved by document_meta_get_json()
DocumentMetadocument_meta_load_from_json_file (const char *jsonFileName)
 create a DocumentMeta from json file saved by document_meta_save()
char * document_meta_load_full_text_from_json_file (const char *jsonFileName)
 create a DocumentMeta from json file saved by document_meta_save()
char * document_meta_get_biblatex (const DocumentMeta *meta, size_t *length, const char *type)
 Get string containing biblatex entry of the supplied DoucmentMeta.
bool document_meta_save (const char *fileName, const DocumentMeta *meta, const char *fullText)
 Saves a DocumentMeta to disk.
void document_meta_free_list (DocumentMeta **meta, size_t length)
 Frees a list/array of document metas.
bool document_meta_is_equal (const DocumentMeta *a, const DocumentMeta *b)
 Compares to document metas and returns if they are equal.
RequestReturnrequest_return_new (size_t count, size_t maxCount)
 Allocates a empty RequestReturn struct.
void request_return_free (RequestReturn *reqRet)
 Frees a RequestReturn struct.
void pdf_data_free (PdfData *data)
 Frees a PdfData struct.

Detailed Description

Api for use by libscipaper users.


This API allows you to lookup documents, find their full texts and grab PDF files.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ capability_flags_t

Flags that describe what a backend can do.


Backend can fill DocumentMeta structs.


Backend can get full text of documents.


Backend can get pdfs of documents.

◆ loglevel_t

enum loglevel_t

Severity of loglevels.


No logging at all.


Critical error.






Default log level.


Informational message.


Useful when debugging.

Function Documentation

◆ capability_flags_get_str()

char * capability_flags_get_str ( capability_flags_t capabilities)

returns the capabilities flags as a human readable string.

capabilitiesPrint with INFO priority if true and DEBUG priority if false
A newly allocated string stating the flags

◆ document_meta_combine()

void document_meta_combine ( DocumentMeta * target,
const DocumentMeta * source )

Adds the fields set in source but not in target to target.

targetThe DocumentMeta struct where the fields of source are to be added to
sourceThe DocumentMeta struct where to get the fields from

◆ document_meta_copy()

DocumentMeta * document_meta_copy ( const DocumentMeta * meta)

Dose a deep copy of a DocumentMeta struct.

metaThe DocumentMeta struct to copy
A newly allocated copy of the meta struct

◆ document_meta_free()

void document_meta_free ( DocumentMeta * meta)

Frees a document meta struct.

metaThe DocumentMeta struct to free, it is safe to pass NULL here

◆ document_meta_free_list()

void document_meta_free_list ( DocumentMeta ** meta,
size_t length )

Frees a list/array of document metas.

metaThe DocumentMeta array to free, it is safe to pass NULL here

◆ document_meta_get_biblatex()

char * document_meta_get_biblatex ( const DocumentMeta * meta,
size_t * length,
const char * type )

Get string containing biblatex entry of the supplied DoucmentMeta.

metaThe DocumentMeta struct to save into the string
lengthlength of the returned string containing the biblatex data
typestring with type of biblatex entry or NULL for default/dont care
A newly allocated string containing the biblatex entry

◆ document_meta_get_json()

char * document_meta_get_json ( const DocumentMeta * meta,
const char * fullText,
size_t * length )

Get string containing json data of the supplied DoucmentMeta.

metaThe DocumentMeta struct to save into the string
fullTextOptionally the full text associated with the DocumentMeta
lengthlength of the returned string containing the json data
A newly allocated string containing the json data

◆ document_meta_get_string()

char * document_meta_get_string ( const DocumentMeta * meta)

Creates a human readable string describing a DocumentMeta.

metaThe DocumentMeta struct to print
a newly allocated string containing the description

◆ document_meta_is_equal()

bool document_meta_is_equal ( const DocumentMeta * a,
const DocumentMeta * b )

Compares to document metas and returns if they are equal.

This function doesn't tell you if a and b refer to the same document, it only tells you if the DocumentMetas are bitwise the same

aA DocumentMeta struct
bAnother DocumentMeta struct to compare to a
true if a and b are equal, false otherwise

◆ document_meta_load_from_json()

DocumentMeta * document_meta_load_from_json ( char * jsonFile)

create a DocumentMeta from json data saved by document_meta_get_json()

jsonFilea c string containing the json data
A newly allocated DocumentMeta containing metadata contained in the file, or NULL if invalid

◆ document_meta_load_from_json_file()

DocumentMeta * document_meta_load_from_json_file ( const char * jsonFileName)

create a DocumentMeta from json file saved by document_meta_save()

jsonFileNamea filename of a json file to load
A newly allocated DocumentMeta containing metadata contained in the file, or NULL if invalid

◆ document_meta_load_full_text_from_json_file()

char * document_meta_load_full_text_from_json_file ( const char * jsonFileName)

create a DocumentMeta from json file saved by document_meta_save()

jsonFileNamea filename of a json file to load
A newly allocated string with the text in the given file, or NULL if invalid

◆ document_meta_new()

DocumentMeta * document_meta_new ( void )

Mallocs a DocumentMeta struct and initializes it.

A newly allocated DocumentMeta struct

◆ document_meta_save()

bool document_meta_save ( const char * fileName,
const DocumentMeta * meta,
const char * fullText )

Saves a DocumentMeta to disk.

fileNameThe file name under which to save the DocumentMeta
metaThe DocumentMeta struct to save to disk
fullTextOptionally the full text associated with the DocumentMeta
true on success false on failure

◆ pdf_data_free()

void pdf_data_free ( PdfData * data)

Frees a PdfData struct.

dataThe PdfData struct to free, it is safe to pass NULL here

◆ request_return_free()

void request_return_free ( RequestReturn * reqRet)

Frees a RequestReturn struct.

reqRetThe RequestReturn to free, it is safe to pass NULL here

◆ request_return_new()

RequestReturn * request_return_new ( size_t count,
size_t maxCount )

Allocates a empty RequestReturn struct.

countnumber of DocumentMeta structs this struct contains
maxCountmaximum number of DocumentMeta structs requested by interface user
a newly allocated RequestReturn struct, to be freed with request_return_free()

◆ sci_backend_get_id_by_name()

int sci_backend_get_id_by_name ( const char * name)

gives you the id of the backend with a given name

namethe name of the backend
the id of the backend or 0 if it is not available

◆ sci_fill_meta()

RequestReturn * sci_fill_meta ( const DocumentMeta * meta,
const FillReqest * fill,
size_t maxCount,
size_t page )

Takes a DocumentMeta and tries to find maxCount documents that match the fields set in the meta struct.

metaA DocumentMeta struct with at least one value set. If backendId == 0 all backends will be checked until one can identify the document otherwise the backend with the id backendId will be used
fillA pointer to a FillReqest struct that describes what fields are required by user, can be NULL for "don't care"
maxCountmaximum number of documents to match
pageif page is set > 0, the first page*maxCount entries are skipped and the subsequent results are returned instead
A RequestReturn, to be freed with request_return_free(), or NULL if none could be found

◆ sci_find_by_author()

RequestReturn * sci_find_by_author ( const char * author,
size_t maxCount )

Tries to find the documents by a certain author.

authorAuthor to search for
maxCountmaximum number of documents to match
A RequestReturn, to be freed with request_return_free(), or NULL if none could be found

◆ sci_find_by_doi()

DocumentMeta * sci_find_by_doi ( const char * doi,
int backendId )

Tries to find the metadata of the document with the given DOI.

doiDOI to search for
backendIdThe backend to use to find the DOI, or 0 for "any"
A filled DocumentMeta struct, to be freed with document_meta_free(), or NULL if none could be found

◆ sci_find_by_journal()

RequestReturn * sci_find_by_journal ( const char * journal,
size_t maxCount )

Tries to find the documents by in a certain journal.

journaljournal to search for
maxCountmaximum number of documents to match
A list of filled RequestReturn, to be freed with request_return_free(), or NULL if none could be found

◆ sci_find_by_title()

DocumentMeta * sci_find_by_title ( const char * title)

Tries to find the metadata of the document with the given title.

titleTitle to search for
A filled DocumentMeta struct, to be freed with document_meta_free(), or NULL if none could be found

◆ sci_get_all_backends()

const BackendInfo ** sci_get_all_backends ( void )

gives you an array describing each backend registered with libscipaper.

a NULL terminated array of BackendInfo structs describing each backend, owned by libscipaper, do not free

◆ sci_get_backend_count()

size_t sci_get_backend_count ( void )

gives you the number of backends currently registered

the number of backends currently registered

◆ sci_get_backend_info()

const BackendInfo * sci_get_backend_info ( int id)

gives you a BackendInfo struct describing the backend with the id

idthe id of the backend you want information on
a const BackendInfo struct containing information on the requested backend, owned by libscipaper, do not free

◆ sci_get_backend_name()

const char * sci_get_backend_name ( int id)

gives you the name of the backend with id

idthe id of the backend you want the name for
a const string with the name of the backend, or "Invalid" if not valid, has static lifetime and shall not be freed.

◆ sci_get_document_pdf_data()

PdfData * sci_get_document_pdf_data ( const DocumentMeta * meta)

Tries to get the PDF data of a certain document.

Will give only the PDF of the first document that matches meta

metaA DocumentMeta struct with at least one value set if backendId == 0 all backends will be checked until one can identify the document otherwise the backend with the id backendId will be used
Raw data of the PDF document

◆ sci_get_document_text()

char * sci_get_document_text ( const DocumentMeta * meta)

Tries to get the full text of a certain document.

metaA DocumentMeta struct with at least one value set if backendId == 0 all backends will be checked until one can identify the document otherwise the backend with the id backendId will be used
The full text of the document or NULL if the text is not available.

◆ sci_get_version()

const VersionFixed * sci_get_version ( void )

get the version of scipaper in use

a const struct containing the version of scipaper in use. owned by libscipaper do not free

◆ sci_log_set_verbosity()

void sci_log_set_verbosity ( loglevel_t verbosity)

Sets the verbosity of sicpaper output.

verbosityThe verbosity to set

◆ sci_paper_init()

bool sci_paper_init ( const char * config_file,
const char * data,
size_t length )

Inits libscipaper, this function must be your first call to libscipaper, besides sci_get_version() and sci_log_set_verbosity()

config_fileAn optional file name to a config ini file for libscipaper, or NULL
dataAn optional pointer to a keyfile in ram
lengthThe length of the data at data
true on success false on failure

◆ sci_save_document_to_file()

bool sci_save_document_to_file ( const DocumentMeta * meta,
const char * fileName )

Saves the PDF of a certain document to disk.

Will only save the first document that matches meta

metaA DocumentMeta struct with at least one value set if backendId == 0 all backends will be checked until one can identify the document otherwise the backend with the id backendId will be used
true on success, false on failure

◆ sci_save_pdf_to_file()

bool sci_save_pdf_to_file ( const PdfData * data,
const char * fileName )

Tries to get save the PDF of a certain document to disk.

Will only save the first document that matches meta

dataA PdfData struct filled by sci_get_document_pdf_data
Raw data of the PDF document