kissinference 1.4.x
Client API

API for use by applications using libkissinference . More...

Data Structures

struct  kiss_vector
 A struct containing a named vector. More...
struct  kiss_network
 Struct describing a kiss neural network. More...
struct  kiss_training_session
 Struct describing a training session. More...
struct  kiss_data_feed_cb_t
 A function pointer of this type is used by libkissinference-train to request data from the user. More...


typedef void(* kiss_data_free_cb_t) (struct kiss_training_data *data, void *usr_ptr)
 A function pointer of this type is used by libkissinference to free data requested by the user of this libary via a kiss_data_feed_cb_t callback.
typedef void(* kiss_train_progress_cb_t) (struct kiss_training_session *session, kiss_train_state_t state, float loss, int step, void *usr_ptr)
 A function pointer of this type is used by libkissinference to inform the user of this libary.


enum  kiss_loss_t { KISS_LOSS_NNL }


void kiss_free_network (struct kiss_network *net)
 Frees the resources associated with a network.
void kiss_free_network_prealloc (struct kiss_network *net)
 Same as kiss_free_network except it dose not free the network struct itself.
struct kiss_networkkiss_load_network (const char *path, void(*result_cb)(float *result, struct kiss_network *net, void *user_data), bool verbose)
 Loads a network from disk.
struct kiss_vectorkiss_create_vector (const char *name, float *values, size_t length)
 Allocate a vector struct of length elements and copy the given data into the vector.
void kiss_free_vector (struct kiss_vector *vector)
 Frees the given vector.
bool kiss_load_network_prealloc (struct kiss_network *net, const char *path, void(*result_cb)(float *result, struct kiss_network *net, void *user_data), bool verbose)
 Loads a network from disk.
struct kiss_networkkiss_load_network_from_buffer (const char *buffer, size_t size, void(*result_cb)(float *result, struct kiss_network *net, void *user_data), bool verbose)
 Loads a network from a memory address.
bool kiss_load_network_from_buffer_prealloc (struct kiss_network *net, const char *buffer, size_t size, void(*result_cb)(float *result, struct kiss_network *net, void *user_data), bool verbose)
 Loads a network from a memory address.
bool kiss_async_run_inference (struct kiss_network *net, const struct kiss_vector *inputs, size_t inputs_count, void *user_data)
 Runs inference on a network with the given inputs.
bool kiss_set_output_mask (struct kiss_network *net, const bool *output_mask)
 Sets the output mask on a given network.
size_t kiss_get_active_output_count (struct kiss_network *net)
 Gets the number of outputs not masked by the input mask.
float * kiss_create_range (float start, float end, size_t length, bool log)
 Allocates an array of floats that contins a linear or log range.
void kiss_resample_spectra (float *in_re, float *in_im, size_t input_length, float **out_re, float **out_im, size_t output_length)
 Resamples a spectra, useing linear interpolation.
void kiss_normalize_spectra (float *in_re, float *in_im, size_t input_length)
 Normalizes the given spectra to [0,1].
bool kiss_reduce_spectra (float *in_re, float *in_im, float *omegas, size_t input_length, float thresh_factor, bool use_second_deriv, float **out_re, float **out_im, size_t *output_length)
 Reduces the data by removing "uninteresting" regions.
bool kiss_filter_spectra (float *in_re, float *in_im, float *omegas, size_t input_length, float **out_re, float **out_im, size_t output_length)
 Filteres the spectra by applying kiss_normalize_spectra, kiss_reduce_spectra and kiss_resample_spectra.
float * kiss_absgrad (float *in_re, float *in_im, float *omegas, size_t input_length, size_t index)
 Calculates the element wise absolute gradient at the given point of the data given.
float kiss_grad (float *data, float *omegas, size_t input_length, size_t index)
 Approximates the gradiant at the given index.
float kiss_median (float *data, size_t input_length)
 Calculates the median of the given data.
float kiss_mean (float *data, size_t input_length)
 Calculates the mean of the given data.
const char * kiss_get_strerror (struct kiss_network *net)
 Normalizes the given spectra to [0,1].
void kiss_softmax (float *data, size_t input_length)
 Applies softmax to the given data.
void kiss_linear (float *data, float *weight, float *bias, size_t lengh)
 Applies a linear nn layer to the given input.
void kiss_softmax_masked (float *data, bool *mask, size_t input_length)
 Applies softmax to the given data ignoreing the inputs where mask is false.
bool kiss_float_eq (float a, float b, unsigned int ulp)
 Checks the given floats for equality with a tollerance of ulp epsilons around the sum of the inputs.
char * kiss_eis_to_relaxis (const char *in)
 Translates a string for this library to the format used by RHD instruments RelaxIS.
char * kiss_eis_to_cdc (const char *in)
 Translates a string for this library a Boukamp Circuit Description Code (CDC).
void kiss_free (void *data)
 Frees the data with the same allocateor as libkissinference.
struct kiss_training_sessionkiss_create_training_session (const char *path, int batch_size)
 Loads a training session archive from disk.
bool kiss_create_training_session_prealloc (struct kiss_training_session *session, const char *path, int batch_size)
 Loads a training session archive from disk while using a session allocated by the caller.
void kiss_free_training_session (struct kiss_training_session *session)
 Frees a kiss_training_session.
void kiss_free_training_session_prealloc (struct kiss_training_session *session)
 Frees the resources associated with a kiss_training_session but not the struct itself.
bool kiss_start_training (struct kiss_training_session *session, kiss_loss_t loss, kiss_data_feed_cb_t datafeeder, kiss_data_free_cb_t datafreeer, kiss_train_progress_cb_t progresscb, void *user_ptr)
 Starts training the network.
void kiss_finish_training (struct kiss_training_session *session)
 Finalizes training of the network.
const char * kiss_train_get_strerror (struct kiss_training_session *session)
 Gets a error description string descrebing the lass orccured error.
const char * kiss_state_to_str (kiss_train_state_t state)
 Gets a description string descrebing the state.

Detailed Description

API for use by applications using libkissinference .

API for use by applications using libkissinference-train .

Api to use kiss models

Api to finetune kiss models

Typedef Documentation

◆ kiss_data_free_cb_t

typedef void(* kiss_data_free_cb_t) (struct kiss_training_data *data, void *usr_ptr)

A function pointer of this type is used by libkissinference to free data requested by the user of this libary via a kiss_data_feed_cb_t callback.

datathe data to be freed
user_ptrthe user pointer supplied to kiss_start_training

◆ kiss_train_progress_cb_t

typedef void(* kiss_train_progress_cb_t) (struct kiss_training_session *session, kiss_train_state_t state, float loss, int step, void *usr_ptr)

A function pointer of this type is used by libkissinference to inform the user of this libary.

datathe data to be freed
user_ptrthe user pointer supplied to kiss_start_training

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ kiss_train_state_t


Emmited when a training optimizer step compleates, not emmited after the final step.


Emmited when a training completes the final optimizer step.


Emmited when an error is encountered.

Function Documentation

◆ kiss_absgrad()

float * kiss_absgrad ( float * in_re,
float * in_im,
float * omegas,
size_t input_length,
size_t index )

Calculates the element wise absolute gradient at the given point of the data given.

in_reThe real part of the input spectra.
in_imThe imaginary part of the input spectra.
in_imThe frequencies of the input spectra.
input_lengthThe length of the input spectra.
indexThe index at which to aproxmiate the gradiant

◆ kiss_async_run_inference()

bool kiss_async_run_inference ( struct kiss_network * net,
const struct kiss_vector * inputs,
size_t inputs_count,
void * user_data )

Runs inference on a network with the given inputs.

The inputs parameter is copied and may be freed immidatly after the call to this function. net must remain valid until the corrisponding result_cb call is recived.

inputsAn array of floats, must as long as input_size for the network.
user_dataA pointer that will be passed to the callback
true if the inference call was sucessfully dispatched, will return false and set an error for kiss_get_strerror() otherwise.

◆ kiss_create_range()

float * kiss_create_range ( float start,
float end,
size_t length,
bool log )

Allocates an array of floats that contins a linear or log range.

startThe start of the range.
endThe end of the range.
lengthThe amount of elements in the range.
logIf true the points in the range will be distrobuted in along a log10 spaceing, otherwise linear spaceing will be used.
A newly allocated array of floats, to be freed with free().

◆ kiss_create_training_session()

struct kiss_training_session * kiss_create_training_session ( const char * path,
int batch_size )

Loads a training session archive from disk.

If allocation fails this function will return NULL, for all other errors this function will return a network with ready set to false. In this case a detailed error string can be aquired by calling kiss_train_get_strerror on the network. Any result, except NULL, of this function musst be freed with kiss_free_training_session().

To avoid leaking memory, the result parameter of result_cb must be freed by result_cb or subsiquently managed by the user of this api.

pathA path to a training archive.
batch_sizethe batch size for training
a pointer to a newly allocated struct kiss_training_session to be freed with kiss_free_training_session() or NULL on allocation failure.

◆ kiss_create_training_session_prealloc()

bool kiss_create_training_session_prealloc ( struct kiss_training_session * session,
const char * path,
int batch_size )

Loads a training session archive from disk while using a session allocated by the caller.

In case of an error this function will set return false and the ready bit in the network to false. In this case a detailed error string can be aquired by calling kiss_train_get_strerror. The resources associated with the session created by this function musst be freed with kiss_free_training_session_prealloc(). The session struct itself must be freed by the caller of this function after calling kiss_free_training_session_prealloc.

sessionA prellocated kiss_training_session struct
pathA path to a training archive.
batch_sizethe batch size for training.
true on sucess, false on failure.

◆ kiss_create_vector()

struct kiss_vector * kiss_create_vector ( const char * name,
float * values,
size_t length )

Allocate a vector struct of length elements and copy the given data into the vector.

nameA label describing the vector
valuesThe values to be copied into the vector
a pointer to a newly allocated kiss_vector struct to be freed by kiss_free_vector or NULL on OOM

◆ kiss_eis_to_cdc()

char * kiss_eis_to_cdc ( const char * in)

Translates a string for this library a Boukamp Circuit Description Code (CDC).

Note that any parameters embedded into the eisgenerator model string will be striped and not included in the CDC.

inThe eisgenerator model string.
A newly allocated CDC string. To be freed with free() or NULL if translation failed

◆ kiss_eis_to_relaxis()

char * kiss_eis_to_relaxis ( const char * in)

Translates a string for this library to the format used by RHD instruments RelaxIS.

Note that any parameters embedded into the eisgenerator model string will be striped and not included in the RelaxIS model.

inThe eisgenerator model string.
A newly allocated RelaxIS model string. To be freed with free() or NULL if translation failed

◆ kiss_filter_spectra()

bool kiss_filter_spectra ( float * in_re,
float * in_im,
float * omegas,
size_t input_length,
float ** out_re,
float ** out_im,
size_t output_length )

Filteres the spectra by applying kiss_normalize_spectra, kiss_reduce_spectra and kiss_resample_spectra.

in_reThe real part of the input spectra.
in_imThe imaginary part of the input spectra.
input_lengthThe length of the input spectra.
out_reA pointer where the real part of the filtered spectra will be allocated. to be freed with free().
out_imA pointer where the imaginary part of the filtered spectra will be allocated. to be freed with free().
output_lengthThe length the spectra needs to have for the network.
returnreturns true if the spectra was filtered sucessfully, false otherwise, dose not set kiss_get_strerror

◆ kiss_finish_training()

void kiss_finish_training ( struct kiss_training_session * session)

Finalizes training of the network.

this function must be called after KISS_COMPLETED is set to the associated kiss_train_progress_cb_t.

sessionThe session to be finalized.

◆ kiss_float_eq()

bool kiss_float_eq ( float a,
float b,
unsigned int ulp )

Checks the given floats for equality with a tollerance of ulp epsilons around the sum of the inputs.

aThe first input.
bThe second input to be compared with the first.
ulpnumber of epsilons of tollerance.
True if the value of b is within ulp epsilons of a, false otherwise.

◆ kiss_free()

void kiss_free ( void * data)

Frees the data with the same allocateor as libkissinference.

dataA pointer to the data to free

◆ kiss_free_network()

void kiss_free_network ( struct kiss_network * net)

Frees the resources associated with a network.

netThe network to free.

◆ kiss_free_network_prealloc()

void kiss_free_network_prealloc ( struct kiss_network * net)

Same as kiss_free_network except it dose not free the network struct itself.

netThe network to free.

◆ kiss_free_training_session()

void kiss_free_training_session ( struct kiss_training_session * session)

Frees a kiss_training_session.

sessionThe session to be freed.

◆ kiss_free_training_session_prealloc()

void kiss_free_training_session_prealloc ( struct kiss_training_session * session)

Frees the resources associated with a kiss_training_session but not the struct itself.

sessionThe session whos resources shal be freed.

◆ kiss_free_vector()

void kiss_free_vector ( struct kiss_vector * vector)

Frees the given vector.

vectorthe vector to be freed

◆ kiss_get_active_output_count()

size_t kiss_get_active_output_count ( struct kiss_network * net)

Gets the number of outputs not masked by the input mask.

netThe network to get the active count for
the number of active outputs

◆ kiss_get_strerror()

const char * kiss_get_strerror ( struct kiss_network * net)

Normalizes the given spectra to [0,1].

Results in undefined behavior to call this function without a preceeding call to libkissinference erroring out. Any subsiquent call to libkissinference invalidates the retuned string.

netThe net on which a call failed
A string describing the error, owned by libkissinference, do not free.

◆ kiss_grad()

float kiss_grad ( float * data,
float * omegas,
size_t input_length,
size_t index )

Approximates the gradiant at the given index.

dataAn array of floats on which to calculate the gradiant.
input_lengthThe length of the input data.
indexThe index at which to aproxmiate the gradiant.

◆ kiss_linear()

void kiss_linear ( float * data,
float * weight,
float * bias,
size_t lengh )

Applies a linear nn layer to the given input.

dataAn array of floats to calculate linear layer on.
weightthe weights of the layer.
biasthe biases of the layer.
lengththe length of the inputs.

◆ kiss_load_network()

struct kiss_network * kiss_load_network ( const char * path,
void(* result_cb )(float *result, struct kiss_network *net, void *user_data),
bool verbose )

Loads a network from disk.

If allocation fails this function will return NULL, for all other errors this function will return a network with ready set to false. In this case a detailed error string can be aquired by calling kiss_get_strerror on the network. Any result, except NULL, of this function musst be freed with kiss_free_network().

To avoid leaking memory, the result parameter of result_cb must be freed by result_cb or subsiquently managed by the user of this api.

result_cbA pointer to a callback that will be called after inference is done.
pathA path to a onnx network file.
a pointer to a newly allocated struct kiss_network to be freed with kiss_free_network() or NULL on allocation failure.

◆ kiss_load_network_from_buffer()

struct kiss_network * kiss_load_network_from_buffer ( const char * buffer,
size_t size,
void(* result_cb )(float *result, struct kiss_network *net, void *user_data),
bool verbose )

Loads a network from a memory address.

This function is the same as kiss_load_network except it takes a in memory buffer to a onnx file instead to a path on disk.

result_cbA pointer to a callback that will be called after inference is done.
bufferA pointer to a onnx file in memory
sizethe size of the given buffer
a pointer to a newly allocated struct kiss_network to be freed with kiss_free_network() or NULL on allocation failure.

◆ kiss_load_network_from_buffer_prealloc()

bool kiss_load_network_from_buffer_prealloc ( struct kiss_network * net,
const char * buffer,
size_t size,
void(* result_cb )(float *result, struct kiss_network *net, void *user_data),
bool verbose )

Loads a network from a memory address.

This function is the same as kiss_load_network_prealloc except it takes a in memory buffer to a onnx file instead to a path on disk.

The resources of resulting network must be freed by kiss_free_network_prealloc.

neta pointer to a allocated kiss_network struct, this pointer must remain valid until after kiss_free_network_prealloc is called.
result_cbA pointer to a callback that will be called after inference is done.
bufferA pointer to a onnx file in memory
sizethe size of the given buffer
true on sucess or false on failure, kiss_filter_spectra is set on failure.

◆ kiss_load_network_prealloc()

bool kiss_load_network_prealloc ( struct kiss_network * net,
const char * path,
void(* result_cb )(float *result, struct kiss_network *net, void *user_data),
bool verbose )

Loads a network from disk.

This function is the same as kiss_load_network except that a allocated network struct must be provided. This is usefull where it is desireable to use a different allocator for this struct on the network.

the resources of resulting network must be freed by kiss_free_network_prealloc.

neta pointer to a allocated kiss_network struct, this pointer must remain valid until after kiss_free_network_prealloc is called.
result_cbA pointer to a callback that will be called after inference is done.
pathA path to a onnx network file.
true on sucess or false on failure, kiss_filter_spectra is set on failure.

◆ kiss_mean()

float kiss_mean ( float * data,
size_t input_length )

Calculates the mean of the given data.

dataAn array of floats to calculate the median on.
input_lengthThe length of the input data.
The mean.

◆ kiss_median()

float kiss_median ( float * data,
size_t input_length )

Calculates the median of the given data.

dataAn array of floats to calculate the median on.
input_lengthThe length of the input data.
The median.

◆ kiss_normalize_spectra()

void kiss_normalize_spectra ( float * in_re,
float * in_im,
size_t input_length )

Normalizes the given spectra to [0,1].

in_reThe real part of the input spectra.
in_imThe imaginary part of the input spectra.
input_lengthThe length of the input spectra.

◆ kiss_reduce_spectra()

bool kiss_reduce_spectra ( float * in_re,
float * in_im,
float * omegas,
size_t input_length,
float thresh_factor,
bool use_second_deriv,
float ** out_re,
float ** out_im,
size_t * output_length )

Reduces the data by removing "uninteresting" regions.

Uninteresting regions are determined by taking the first and second derivative and removing the areas where these change very little.

in_reThe real part of the input spectra.
in_imThe imaginary part of the input spectra.
input_lengthThe length of the input spectra.
out_reA pointer where the real part of the reduced spectra will be allocated. to be freed with free().
out_imA pointer where the imaginary part of the reduced spectra will be allocated. to be freed with free().
output_lengthA pointer to a size_t where the new length of the reduced spectra will be stored.
returnreturns true if the spectra was reduced sucessfully, false otherwise, dose not set kiss_get_strerror

◆ kiss_resample_spectra()

void kiss_resample_spectra ( float * in_re,
float * in_im,
size_t input_length,
float ** out_re,
float ** out_im,
size_t output_length )

Resamples a spectra, useing linear interpolation.

in_reThe real part of the input spectra.
in_imThe imaginary part of the input spectra.
input_lengthThe length of the input spectra.
out_reA pointer where the real part of the resampled spectra will be allocated. to be freed with free().
out_imA pointer where the imaginary part of the resampled spectra will be allocated. to be freed with free().
output_lengthThe desired length of the output spectra.

◆ kiss_set_output_mask()

bool kiss_set_output_mask ( struct kiss_network * net,
const bool * output_mask )

Sets the output mask on a given network.

This function must only be used while no inference requests are pending.

netThe network to set the mask on.
output_maskThe output mask to set. The given array must be at least output_size in lengh
true if the mask was sucessfully set, will return false and set an error for kiss_get_strerror otherwise.

◆ kiss_softmax()

void kiss_softmax ( float * data,
size_t input_length )

Applies softmax to the given data.

dataAn array of floats to calculate the softmax on.
input_lengthThe length of the input data.

◆ kiss_softmax_masked()

void kiss_softmax_masked ( float * data,
bool * mask,
size_t input_length )

Applies softmax to the given data ignoreing the inputs where mask is false.

dataAn array of floats to calculate the softmax on.
maskAn array of bools, true where the value in data shal be used and false where it shal not. Must be the same length as data.
input_lengthThe length of the input data.

◆ kiss_start_training()

bool kiss_start_training ( struct kiss_training_session * session,
kiss_loss_t loss,
kiss_data_feed_cb_t datafeeder,
kiss_data_free_cb_t datafreeer,
kiss_train_progress_cb_t progresscb,
void * user_ptr )

Starts training the network.

sessionThe session to be trained.
sessionThe loss function to use for training.
datafeederA callback that libkissinference can call to get data for training.
datafreeerA callback that libkissinference can call free the data gained by datafeeder.
progresscbA callback that libkissinference calls to inform the user about training progress and errors.
True if sucessfull, false otherwise. In case of failure kiss_train_get_strerror is set with a description of the error.

◆ kiss_state_to_str()

const char * kiss_state_to_str ( kiss_train_state_t state)

Gets a description string descrebing the state.

stateThe state to describe.
A description string, owned by libkissinference do not free.

◆ kiss_train_get_strerror()

const char * kiss_train_get_strerror ( struct kiss_training_session * session)

Gets a error description string descrebing the lass orccured error.

sessionThe session in which the error occured
A error description string, valid untill the next call to libkissinference, owned by libkissinference do not free.