kissinference 1.4.x
kiss_network Struct Reference

Struct describing a kiss neural network. More...

#include <kissinference.h>

Collaboration diagram for kiss_network:
Collaboration graph

Data Fields

struct kiss_priv * priv
struct kiss_vectorinputs
 Network expects these to be given as the input.
size_t input_count
 The number of inputs the network expects.
size_t output_size
 Size of tensor this network returns.
bool * output_mask
 An array of booleans that set an input enabled or disabled >
char * purpose
 A string describing the purpose of the network.
char ** output_labels
 A description string for eatch element of the output tensor.
bool ready
 Specifies if the network is ready to use, must be checked after loading.
bool softmax
 Network ends with a softmax.
float * output_scalars
 Network expects outputs to be scaled by this factor to get physical values.
float * output_biases
 Network expects outputs to be biased by this factor to get physical values.
void(* result_cb )(float *result, struct kiss_network *net, void *user_data)

Detailed Description

Struct describing a kiss neural network.