| Class | Description |
| ButtonInformation |
Defines information about a ribbon button.
| InvalidImpedanceDataException |
Thrown when invalid impedance data is encountered in a plugin function.
| PluginProgressEventArgs |
Defines arguments for the a progress event.
| RelaxISOnlyPlugin |
Defines a plugin that is only used in RelaxIS and can therefore use some additional functionality via a WCF interface.
| RelaxISPlugin |
This is the base type for all plugin types. The individual types of plugins inherit from this class.
| RelaxISPlugin_AxisValue |
An axis value is a specific real value that can be calculated from an impedance
derived complex value such as the real part of the value or the phase angle
| RelaxISPlugin_CircuitElement | Obsolete.
This defines a circuit element with a certain impedance response to be used in equivalent circuits.
| RelaxISPlugin_CircuitElement2 |
This defines a circuit element with a certain impedance response to be used in equivalent circuits.
| RelaxISPlugin_Classifier |
Defines a plugin that classifies a spectrum into a specific class.
| RelaxISPlugin_DataManipulation | Obsolete.
This plugin type allows the direct manipulation of every aspect of the spectrum, including the data values,
the fit parameters, metadata and so on. The plugin is accessed using a ribbon button that can be registered.
You can add setup routines for the change in the PerformSetup(IEnumerableImpedanceSpectrum_Fitted, Boolean)
method, which is called once for each button click.
| RelaxISPlugin_DataManipulation2 |
This plugin type allows the direct manipulation of every aspect of the spectrum, including the data values,
the fit parameters, metadata and so on. The plugin is usually accessed using a ribbon button, defined in the ButtonInformation property.
RelaxIS will call the ManipulateSpectraAsync(IListImpedanceSpectrum, ExecutionMode, IWin32Window, CancellationToken) function with the spectra that the user selected.
Once the function returns RelaxIS will apply the changed list back to RelaxIS, deleting spectra that longer exists, adding new spectra and changing the data of existing ones.
The identification of input and output spectra is based on the GUID property.
The plugin may also be used in other functions. Use the ExecutionMode value to determine if the plugin is called from the UI or a standalone version.
For standalone execution, no user interaction should be required to complete the ManipulateSpectraAsync(IListImpedanceSpectrum, ExecutionMode, IWin32Window, CancellationToken) function.
| RelaxISPlugin_FileFormat |
This defines file formats that can be read by RelaxIS directly, without the
need to use the column designation dialog. This also allows the use of binary files without
a column text structure.
| RelaxISPlugin_Generic |
The generic plugin type does not contain any inherent functionality.
It is intended for the plugin to use the RelaxISProgramInterface
and RelaxISWCFInterface properties to implement functionality.
Use the AfterStartupInitialization function to register e.g. ribbon
buttons to allow the user to call plugin functionality.
| RelaxISPlugin_MultifitModel |
This plugin type implements a fitting model with more independent variables than just the frequency.
Additionally, metadata values like the temperature can be used in the model, allowing fitting of
multiple spectra at once.
Two sets of parameters are used:
- Shared parameters: Intended to be used simultaneously for each spectrum
- Individual parameters: Intended to be uniquely used by single spectra. A set of these parameters are
generated for each spectrum.
When individual parameters are to be used in the FitFunction(Double, Double), the correct index
in the Parameter array can be found using GetIndividualParameterIndex(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
if all spectra returned the same number of individual parameters.
| RelaxISPlugin_PlotPreset |
This defines a premade plot designation, based on multiple RelaxISPlugin_AxisValue tools.
| RelaxISPlugin_ResultEvaluator |
This defines a Result-Evaluation fitting function, used to further evaluate the fit results from RelaxIS.
| RelaxISPlugin_TransferFunction |
This defines a transfer function by recalculating an impedance value using frequency, Z' and Z''.
| RelaxISPlugin_WeightMode |
This defines a weighting mode by implementing a method to calculate weights from (already converted) complex data points.
| RelaxISPlugin_Wizard |
The basic class for a wizard.
| RelaxISProgramInterfaceException |
An exception raised when functions in IRelaxISProgramInterface fail.
| StartIndexDictionary |
Defines a dictionary that has a spectrum index as key and a start index for parameters as values.
This is used by the RelaxISPlugin_MultifitModel to allow the user easy access to parameter indizes.