Updating WCF Link definitions |
No significant changes have been made to the IRelaxISWCFLink interface except for changing the API to use the new ImpedanceSpectrum class instead.
The API of the RelaxIS WCF Link was not significantly changed.
The interface functions now operate on the new ImpedanceSpectrum class instead of ImpedanceSpectrum_[...] classes. This may require some changes in regards to accessing the data in the objects.
Please refer to the General breaking changes in 3.0.23 to learn about how the data in the object is now accessed.
Introduce using statements for the relevant namespaces.
using RelaxIS_SDK.Common;
Replace ImpedanceSpectrum_Fitted with ImpedanceSpectrum in the arguments when calling one of the following functions:
You may need to update the custom code in the function to accomodate the new data structure of the object. Please refer to the General breaking changes in 3.0.23 to learn about how the data in the object is now accessed.