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RelaxISPlugin_Classifier Methods

The RelaxISPlugin_Classifier type exposes the following members.

Protected methodAddLogMessage(Exception) Advises RelaxIS to add information about the given exception to the log. Will not work in the object's constructor.
(Inherited from RelaxISPlugin)
Protected methodAddLogMessage(String) Advises RelaxIS to add a new message to the log. Will not work in the object's constructor.
(Inherited from RelaxISPlugin)
Public methodAfterStartupInitialization Is called once after the plugin is initialized with all internal information during program start.
(Inherited from RelaxISPlugin)
Public methodApplyClassResultAsync Apply a specific class result to the spectrum.
Public methodCompareTo Compares the plugin to another based on the SortIndex property
(Inherited from RelaxISPlugin)
Public methodGetAdditionalInformation Provides additional information about this plugin, like e.g. the unit of a transfer function.
(Inherited from RelaxISPlugin)
Public methodGetClasses Get a list of available classes that the classifier can select for a spectrum.
Public methodGetFactory Create a factory object to generate required objects for this classifier.
Public methodInternalSetProgramInstance Set the internal program instance to a new value.
(Inherited from RelaxISOnlyPlugin)
Public methodInternalSetWCFInstance Set the internal wcf instance to a new value.
(Inherited from RelaxISOnlyPlugin)
Protected methodOnClassifierProgress Raises the ClassifierProgress event.
Public methodRunClassificationAsync Classify the given spectrum.
Public methodShouldDiscardPlugin Called once after the plugin is initialized and after AfterStartupInitialization and signals to RelaxIS if the plugin should be used or discarded.
(Inherited from RelaxISPlugin)
Protected methodUpdateProgress Raise the ClassifierProgress with the given information.
See Also