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RelaxISWCFLinkProxy Class

The proxy used to communicate with the RelaxIS WCF service.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: RelaxIS_SDK.RelaxISWCFLink
Assembly: RelaxIS SDK (in RelaxIS SDK.dll) Version:
public class RelaxISWCFLinkProxy : ClientBase<IRelaxISWCFLink>, 

The RelaxISWCFLinkProxy type exposes the following members.

Public methodRelaxISWCFLinkProxy Initializes a new RelaxISWCFProxy object
Public methodAddAndActivateSpectra Adds the spectra defined in the list to the currently loaded RelaxIS project and selects the last spectrum, making it the actively displayed spectrum.
Public methodAddSpectra Adds the spectra defined in the list to the currently loaded RelaxIS project.
Public methodGetActiveSpectrum Gets the currently active spectrum.
Public methodGetAutoFit Perform an Autofit of the spectrum and return the result
Public methodGetCurrentGroupSpectra Gets a list of all spectra in the current group.
Public methodGetCurrentTransferFunction Retrieves the plugin name of the currently active transfer function.
Public methodGetCurrentWeightingMode Retrieves the plugin name of the currently active weighting mode.
Public methodStatic memberGetDefaultBinding This method returns a working NetNamedPipeBinding object with the correct options set to communicate with the RelaxIS WCF Link service.
Public methodStatic memberGetDefaultBinding(TimeSpan) This method returns a working NetNamedPipeBinding object with the correct options set to communicate with the RelaxIS WCF Link service.
Public methodGetDefaultParameters Retrieve a list of default fitparameters for a given model
Public methodStatic memberGetDefaultProxy This method creates a RelaxISWCFLinkProxy object with the correct settings used to communicate with the RelaxIS WCF Link service.
Public methodStatic memberGetDefaultProxy(TimeSpan) This method creates a RelaxISWCFLinkProxy object with the correct settings used to communicate with the RelaxIS WCF Link service.
Public methodGetDRT Calculates the DRT of the given spectrum.
Public methodGetDRTReproduction Reproduces an impedance spectrum from a calculated DRT result.
Public methodGetFit This method fits the given impedance spectrum with the selected options and returns the fit result.
Public methodGetKramersKronigTransformation Calculate a Kramers-Kronig transformation of the spectrum.
Public methodGetMetadataFields Returns the internal names of all current metadata fields.
Public methodGetModelImageData Generate a PNG image of the given model.
Public methodGetParameterNames Returns the default parameter names for the given circuit in the correct order.
Public methodGetPlotDataFixedFreqs Returns data that can be used to generate a plot for the given circuit.
Public methodGetPlotDataNewFreqs Returns data that can be used to generate a plot for the given circuit.
Public methodGetTransferFunctions Returns the currently loaded transfer functions in the RelaxIS instance.
Public methodGetWeightModes Returns the currently loaded weighting modes in the RelaxIS instance.
Public methodReadEISData Parse the given data with a built-in file format if possible and return the spectra.
Public methodReadEISDataFile Read the data from a file, parse them with a built-in file format if possible and return the spectra.
Public methodReadEISDataUnknown Parse the given data into spectra using the saved unknown format name.
You can create a working proxy using the GetDefaultBinding or GetDefaultProxy methods.
See Also